Cabin on the other Lake FAQ

Is there electricity at the Cabin?

Whilst the Cabin is off-grid it does have solar panels which charge a 12v leisure battery. This powers integrated lighting including some in the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom as well as deck lights.  Safety Legislation (2023) means that there are strictly no candles at the Cabin. We provide various reacharable torches and lanterns which can be charged in the USB sockets near the bed. Phones can be charged but there isn’t power/capacity for anything bigger (so no kettle or hair dryer!)

Is there water at the Cabin?

Yes! loads of water including a running tap with fresh filtered spring water (regularly tested by the enviromental health from our local Council so assured safe) – no need to bring bottled water!

Can I charge my phone? Is there mobile reception? Is there wi-fi?

We encourage our visitors to take a break from modern technology for a complete escape. However, you can charge phones in the USB sockets by the bed. Mobile reception is variable.  Vodafone, Three and O2 are good but EE is bad.  There’s no wi-fi at the Cabin but if you need you can come and sit in our garden and we’ll give you the password for the wi-fi at the house if you need.

How big is the lake?

It’s big enough for a quick dip and also to canoe around the island, but it is a very small, peaceful lake. It’s full of wildlife though and completely idyllic.  The lake is deep enough to swim comforable in some bits – There’s even a wee jetty for a run and jump!

Can I fish in the lake?

You could try, but we’re pretty sure there aren’t any fish. We did have trout once but were visited by a hungry otter who ate all the fish! There are other local places to fish including Clywedog , Aberydyfi and in the Dyfi.

Can I bring my dog?

Sorry, but we are unable to accept dogs or any other pets at the Cabin on the lake.

Can I bring my child?

The Cabin is the perfect romantic retreat for two, also the proximity of the water would make it pretty stressful (for you and us!). Although we love children, we have created a lovely peaceful space here so, sorry – no kids!

Can I book for one night only?

Unfortunately not. Firstly, we think it wouldn’t do the holiday justice, arriving at 4pm one evening and leaving at 10am the next morning isn’t enough time to relax, settle in and have the perfect, romantic experience. Additionally, single night bookings aren’t practical for us; the changeover is a significant amount of work, we wouldn’t get anything else done!

How much firewood is provided?

We supply enough firewood to have a hot tub and fire in the firepit and have a fire inside the cabin.  The Nearly all of our guests find this amount to be enough but it does depend on how long/hot you want the hot tub and how long /how many firepit fires you have.
We offer extra bags of logs at £5 each, kindling bags £4 and firelighters at £1.50 for 8.

I want do organise something extra special for my partner. Can you help with…?

Of course, give us a ring to discuss your ideas. We’re really happy to help with setting up extra special ideas and surprises you may have mind. We can offer therapeutic massage here at the house as Amy’s mum is a fully trained (and extremely good!) masseuse.

What will it be like in winter?

It might be chilly, but the fires will roar and the hot tub will be as hot as you’d like.  The turf roof does provide some insulation, but the Cabin will get cold when the fire goes out so you may have to keep stocking it up with wood to stay warm.  We supply a thick warm “soft as down” duvet, hot water bottles and extra blankets but suggest you bring lots of warm clothes too. The kitchen and toilet facilities are all outdoors although they are covered from the rain. We think the Cabin in winter is a wonderful experience, but it is still an outdoors experience so be prepared and pack the thermals! You can read a blog from some of our winter guests to give you good idea of what it’s really like.

What about snow?

We don’t often get snowed in at Gwalia but it is a possibility. It happens maybe once every 3 years or so. If it is looking likely we’ll give you a ring to discuss the options which are likely to include – i) leaving your car in the village, we’ll come and meet you with sledges to help bring your stuff up the hill  ii) offering alternative dates

When are you releasing the next set of dates? Can you let me know if there are any cancellations?

We generally release dates about 6 months ahead. This is because we need to schedule our own time off as well as any maintenance breaks. When we release new dates we’ll send an email out to our mailing list. If there are ever any cancellations we also publicise this on the mailing list. Sign up here.