
Organic, Environmentally Sensitive Family Farming since 1979

1979 – The First Wave

Since coming here in 1979, Livy and Harry’s aim has been to produce as much food as they can and to minimise the family’s impact on the environment. Vegetables and fruit grow in the garden, delicious eggs are laid by free range hens. Gooseberry, blackcurrant or damson jam is made from fruit grown in the garden.  Our treated spring water tastes wonderful.

Our house and water are heated in winter by a wood stove. We have installed solar panels to supplement this and heat the water during the summer.

2013 – The Second Wave

In 2013 Livy and Harry were joined by their returning daughter Amy and her partner Dee. Amy and Dee are developing the business at Gwalia by creating back to nature glamping experiences with privacy, peaceful seclusion and off-grid luxury.  Building on the wonderful work done by Livy and Harry over the past 40 plus years, they are continuing in the environmentally sensitive and organic approach.

Livy hasn’t retired completely, she still lives here and takes joy in continuing to grow fruit and vegetables.   She is also a very experienced masseuse and guests are welcome to make an appointment.